The documentary short film “Herself” is an awakening story about young women, who dare not only to speak, but also to prove themselves with actions. Proving not to others, but to oneself. Going through a beautiful summer odyssey they dare to do things that majority wouldn’t, things that might not be that widely accepted. The story is about women whose seemingly fragile bodies hide power, courage, eagerness, and even spitefulness, which is life’s driving force. This story is about them, who take the liberty to dare.
Director – Linda Jakubone
Producer – SHE FIX
DOP – Kristīne Vanaga
Editing – Anna Ansone
Animation – Māra Drozdova
Artūrs Strautiņš
Dakha Brakha – Baby
Gaujarts – Svītriņas
Translated by Hristina Šatalova