Meow skateboards team rider and The Skate Witches Zine founder Kristin Ebeling hits up Fremont Skatepark and Oakland Town Park with the homies. Featuring: Kristin Ebeling, Jasmin Kwan, Kirby McKenzie, Jessie Van Roechoudt. Music: Paranoïa by LITIGE Filmed by Kim Woozy Edited by Carmen Z
Join Vanessa Torres, Annie Guglia, Christiana Smith, Lacey Baker, Marie Baeta, Minna & Finnley Stess, Nam-Chi Van, & Savannah Headden as they skate parks in SF. Filmed by Erik “Dirty” Sandoval & Monique O’Toole.
“This is What a Skateboarder Looks Like” A short film by Brandy Machado, aka Program Director of Skate Like a Girl Portland. Film/edit by Brandy Machado
One weekend this fall — riding all types of boards, featuring Nora Vasconcellos, Mele Saili, Erin Ashley aka Worm, and Margaux Arramon-tucoo, with a special appearance from the Peanut Gallerinas. Music: Sister Of Pearl / Baio Film/Edit by Hayley Gordon
This is a powerful, meaningful and important piece everyone should watch. “SKATEBOARDING is commonly portrayed as a welcoming culture. A movement that promote personal freedom and encourage creativity. At the same time, we skaters have created a Boy’s Club, where sexism and homophobia is widely tolerated, sometimes even encouraged. Our language, our ideals and our […]