[Industry] Mahfia Sessions – Insight: Speaking To Women Authentically: Tools to Start the Conversation clutched key collectivemahfia sessions

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MAHFIA Sessions was created to educate and encourage the unique network of females whose passions live amongst action sports culture. The series is designed for females working in or interested in the action sports industry.

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[ About the Series ]

MAHFIA Sessions // Powered by Group Y was created to highlight, encourage, educate, influence and entertain the unique network of females whose passions live amongst the active lifestyles of snow, skate, surf, wake, moto, bmx, music and more. The series is designed for females working in or interested in the action sports industry. Join us for an exclusive weekend to network with like-minded people, learn from industry veterans and ride with friends and make some new ones too. groupynetwork.com/mahfia-sessions-portland

[ About Clutched Key Collective ]

Clutched Key Collective is the one design shop that can communicate genuinely with your female market. A dynamic collective of woman designers, writers, and marketing specialists with both agency and brand experience. Through means large or small, core or mainstream, guerilla or conventional, they deliver inspired business solutions from a female perspective for outdoor, action-sport and lifestyle brands. They deliver brand and seasonal direction, art direction, product graphics, retail solutions, advertising and collateral. clutchedkey.com

[ About Group Y ]

Group Y is the original and leading collective of professionals focused on youth marketing, action sports, entertainment and other progressive and expressive cultures. Our mission is to share insights across industries and ignite ideas that inspire the current and next generation leaders and decision makers. Using events, outreach, content and consultation, Group Y takes the work out of networking and strengthens the areas where industries overlap. groupnetwork.com


Mahfia Sessions Mammoth + B4BC Shred The Love

Mahfia Sessions Mammoth + B4BC Shred The Love

Weekend highlights of the first ever MAHFIA SESSIONS, held at Mammoth Mountain in conjunction with Boarding For Breast Cancer's Shred the Love [...]
Mahfia Sessions Portland

Mahfia Sessions Portland

In partnership with Clutched Key Collective & Skate Like a Girl / Skate Like A Girl Portland // powered by Group Y Photos by Heather Viera [...]
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