[1.21.2017] Sea State hosted a fundraiser for the Portuguese nonprofit, Save Our Surf, at Traveler Surf and Swim Club. A storm raged outside as The Shapes warmed the space with heartfelt folk music. Queers Makin' Beers brewed up a dry hopped IPA to share with folks who either brought their own mug or got a jar with a hand-made coozie, making this a plastic free event. Many folks came after the Women's March to celebrate and support. Participants won raffle prizes from [...]
[11.14.2016] Brown Girl Surf (BGS) hosted a film screening of It Ain’t Pretty at Old Princeton Landing as part of their fall fundraising campaign. The bar, which is located at the doorstep of Mavericks surf break, was packed with big wave surfers, families, and people stoked to support or learn more about BGS, a non-profit that “works to build a more diverse, environmentally reverent, and joyful women's surf culture by increasing access to surfing, cultivating community, [...]
[12.4.15] The women's surfing community in Southern California gathered under one roof for an evening of fun, education and awareness at Shaper Studios in North Park, San Diego, CA. Hosted by Tide and Time (an all female surf club) the night aimed to support, empower and celebrate women in the surf community. The event consisted of a panel discussion by industry leaders Erin Ashley, Cori Shumacher, Beth O'Rourke and Florencia Gomez Gerbi moderated by Mia Bolton, followed [...]