Girls Week at Element Skate Camp
Taken in YMCA Camp Sequoia Lake Updated 9 years ago 107 Photos

We headed to Element Skate Camp for Girls Week hosted by Skate Like a Girl’s director Kristin Ebeling along with fellow Meow team riders Shari White and Vanessa Torres. A 4 hour drive from Los Angeles located on a private lake in the Sequoia National forest, Element camp has it all: skateboarding (5 different skate areas!) a lakeside launch ramp, swimming, boating, arts & crafts, beach parties and campfire hangouts every night. Shoutout to our squad: Girls Counselor Keri Rosenfeld and campers: Susie, Tatiana, Xayla, Janina, Julianna, Alma, plus the whole Element Skate Camp staff and crew. We can’t wait for next year! Photos by Kim Woozy | @MAHFIAboss

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